P. 9

                                                                                    THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH MALAYSIA

                    Malaysia  has  earned  international  recognitions  for  its  effective
                    measures employed against the COVID-19 pandemic. In line with
                    WHO’s  call,  Malaysia  has  implemented  significant  strategies  to
                    transform its health systems including governance to financing,
                    strengthening access to medicines, health services and vaccines,
                    building up the health workforce, strengthening the capacities                                                 Malaysia also took
                    to prevent and respond to health emergencies to contain the
                    pandemic successfully.                                                                                         significant steps to
                                                                                                                                   curtail transmission of
                    Malaysia also took significant steps to curtail transmission of                                                the virus, including the
                    the  virus,  including  the  implementation  of  the  Movement                                                 implementation of the
                    Control Order and its various phases and iterations. The
                    government also used a comprehensive approach of                                                               Movement Control Order
                    risk  communication  and  community  engagement                                                                and its various phases
                    to gain the public trust and cooperation.                                                                      and iterations. The
                                                                                                                                   government also used a
                    I believe this book being the compilation of works                                                             comprehensive approach
                    by  the  Medical  Programme  on  the  preparedness
                    for the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly relating to                                                            of risk communication and
                    various strategies of hospital preparedness will be                                                            community engagement
                    a useful reference and guide to all now and in the                                                             to gain the public trust and
                    future. All these efforts taken should be documented                                                           cooperation.
                    not only for local but also for international reference.

                    Dato’ Seri Dr. Chen Chaw Min
                    Secretary-General to the Ministry of Health Malaysia

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