P. 112

Cultivating Evidence

          Based Practices

         With COVID-19 being a new disease entity, there was  previously a lack
         of evidence and data on the pathogen itself, its mode of transmission,
         disease course, treatment and preventive measures. Over time, as new
         findings emerge, there is an urgent need for up-to-date management
         guidelines. In response to this call MaHTAS played its critical role, as
         they conducted literature reviews and international guidelines on the
         management of COVID-19. Relying on guidelines issued by international
         organisations such as WHO and the United States Centers for Disease
         Control and Prevention (US CDC), they provide evidence-based reviews
         of current practices as well as new technologies/innovations and tools
         related to the management of COVID-19. These evidence-based reviews
         and reports serve as inputs for the development of national standard
         operating procedures and guidelines, as well as the dissemination of
         accurate information. To stay relevant, MaHTAS also actively networks
         with the International Health Technology network which includes the
         International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment
         (INAHTA), Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi),
         HTAsiaLink, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes
         Research (ISPOR), Guidelines International Network (GIN), and EuroScan
         International Network. As of 31 October 2020, 22 rapid evidence
         reviews were done during the pandemic COVID-19 by integrating best
         available research evidence to assess the effectiveness, safety and cost
         effectiveness of various technologies and issues related to IPC.

                                                     1.   List of MaHTAS  COVID-19 rapid
                                            1            evidence review on  Infection
                                                         prevention & control issues
                                            2   3    2.   Report by New Straits Times, 5 April
                                                     3.   Infographic on  Infrared thermal
                                                         imaging/scanner Rapid Evidence
                                                         Review available at MaHTAS
                                                         Facebook Page

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