P. 136


         The Medical Programme acknowledged the importance of international
         cooperation, multilateralism and global solidarity to optimize the
         management of the pandemic. Working with our allies has always been an
         important approach in our strategy.

         Across the world, countries and international organisations came together
         to provide technical assistance, resources especially medical supplies and
         sharing of experience and knowledge. Malaysia looked upon establishing
         dialogues with various countries and organisations such as WHO to
         gain better understanding of the pandemic and exchange knowledge,
         experience and expertise.

         Following key WHO recommendations to “test, treat and track” the
         population for the virus, Malaysia enforced the “Search, Test, Isolate, Treat
         and Quarantine” strategy to uncover cases in the community. It also took
         stringent measures regarding quarantine and isolation of confirmed and
         suspected cases.

         The WHO Representative Office also works closely with the Ministry
         of Health (MOH) and partners to provide support in the areas such as
         information sharing, research, operational support and logistics, supply of
         test kits and technical assistance.

         WHO also supported the efforts of the Ministry to visualise and determine
         a longer-term goal for response and sustainability, by providing technical
         inputs and guidance to facilitate the planning, implementation and
         evaluation of activities as well as training in the infection prevention and
         control measures, as well clinical management of COVID-19 including
         treatment guidelines.

                                                                                                                            1 - 3.  WHO delegates meeting with Medical
                                                                                                                    3           Programme officials at MOH Headquarters
                                                                                                              2                 in Putrajaya. Pictures were taken during
                                                                                                                                WHO visit in April 2020

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