P. 56

Medical Equipment

            & Supplies

            The Medical Equipment Team of the CPRC Hospital
            Services was tasked to prepare and equip all public
            hospitals at the start of the pandemic in Malaysia.
            This included ensuring adequate supply of PPE,
            equipping ICU facilities and stockpiling medication.
            As this was the initial start of the pandemic countries
            were not in lockdown and there were no import
            restrictions. However, this looked different during
            the second wave. At this time, the CPRC Hospital
            Services were challenged in many ways. There was a
            need to meet the unprecedented levels of demand for
            medical devices. This was in response to the sudden
            surge in cases similar to what was experienced in the
            rest of the world.

            Such an unprecedented event, meant that MOH
            had to deal with a worldwide shortage of medical
            equipment. With many countries implementing
            export bans, shipments to Malaysia were cancelled or
            delayed. This called for a reshuffling of strategies and
            plans in order to secure 800 units of ventilators and
            other equipment required for our public hospitals.

                                     1.   Report by the New Straits Times,
                            1   2         21 March 2020
                                     2 - 3.  News on medical devices global
                                3         export restriction

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