P. 53

CPRC – Hospital System

               CPRC Hospital System was developed as an online
               reporting tool to monitor hospital preparedness in
               facing the pandemic. It was a CSR initiative by UEM

               Edgenta and Meridien Sdn Bhd. It leverages on
               the existing MOH Blood Bank Information System
               (BBISv2) Cloud Framework and Platform to support
               data collection during the crisis of COVID-19 and
               uses Power BI analytics. The CPRC Hospital System
               was developed within a short period of time and
               rolled out to all COVID-19 hospitals nationwide. In the
               early phases of the pandemic, daily bed usage and
               utilization was monitored manually. This IT platform
               facilitated data collection and analysis, including on
               daily monitoring of hospital beds, ICU beds, ventilator
               utilization, and specific hospital reconstitution index;
               for both, federal and state level. This allowed efficient
               response towards an escalating outbreak.

               As a result of agile development, the CPRC Hospital
               System now contains several sections as outlined
               in Figure 1. This system has helped the Ministry of
               Health to make quick and efficient decision pertaining
               to the management of hospital facilities during the

               Asian Development Bank Sustainable Development
               Working Paper Series has published a paper in
               October 2020 on “Public Health Innovations for
               COVID-19: Finding, Trusting, and Scaling Innovation”
               where our Crisis Preparedness and Response
               Centre (CPRC) Hospital System was highlighted as
               a program that could be easily implemented in other
               countries to upgrade hospitals’ operational efficiency.

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